Monday, May 31, 2010


In my last blog I said I do not believe unless given a miracle that you have much chance to move up. Even though this post labeled Choosing Poverty? with the 60 minute clip and Jeff Canada raving it cannot fail, I still don't believe. This school that he has created is undoubtably amazing. However I'd catorgize that as a miracle. Jeff is LOADED and it's absolutely wonderful that he is doing what he's doing but as it says in the video only 200 out of 375 get it. Parents tell him how could he do that to a 3 year old but the simple fact of the matter is that there is no possible way to help everybody. I believe (maybe I'm wrong) that people need to fail in order for things to work. One of my first days in Stevenson I was told not everyone will succeed not everyone will go to college not everyone will get a 4.0 that's the way it has to be. So maybe it was how I was raised to think(that not everyone can succeed) but truly how would it work?? Somebody has to do the dirty work. If everyone is going to college and has an incredible education who would do it? I guess everyone could then start doing things themselves (like the self check out line where you bag your own groceries) but when the machines break who would fix them? What if everyone believed they were above fixing a grocery line machine. Thinking as I write this it sounds rather negative but I know many others who agree with my view and don't see the world ever changing to no one on the streets and everyone succeeding. As the last half of the video says Obama wants to spread that kind of school around why not San Antonio why not Los Angeles? But in the next clip it says you can go to a french restaurant and the food taste good but what's the secret to it? Society would literally have to replicate what Jeff Canada does.

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