Monday, May 31, 2010

Final Blog- How sociology changed me

After reading my first blog about what I wanted to say about who I was, my answer has now changed. Things I cared about then don't matter as much now. I am the person I want to be still but now what's on my mind is a decision I had to make and how sociology helped me reach the answer I did.
I recently have made a major life changing decision. My decision was where I would be attending college. Since my sophomore year in highschool I've been 100% set on moving away to florida and that was that no matter what. However after going out to visit the school I was going to attend during spring break I realized it was not what I wanted at all. I had gotten rejected by the school I really really wanted to go to in January but my stubornness wouldn't allow for re-evaluation. In march I started to feel as much as I didn't like the weather here, deep down, I wasn't ready to move with no plan. I was originally moving out there to get away from my dad and family (since we don't get along all that well or as well as I do with my brother) and be around my brother and his family. When growing up a little bit as the decision got close I didn't have enough to base a plan off I quite obviously made while stubborn. I swear, your words guided me through making a decision. You said to be open and honest with ourselves. You told us to do what makes us happy. You told us to not get tied into a plan or path laid out for us it. That it might be more difficult to get through all the ness. courses then decide you want to do something else and have to retake classes to become something completely different but if it's what we want we should do it. That America is so caught up in fast pace but there is no rule that says you need to finish college in 4 years. I decided I want to stay here and live in chicago and go to school here part time. I also want to chase another dream of mine besides being a kindergarten teacher while I still can. So college will take a little longer because I'm taking less courses than everyone else but it doesn't matter to me. And even though my brother might be upset because I've been saying I'd move for 3 years now, things change and this is what I want now. Sociology really did help open my eyes to what I want and re-evaluate myself and others. This class was a life long lesson in itself and I'll never forget it.

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