Monday, May 31, 2010

Balls of Sociology

I labeled my catorgizies as: size, color, weight, shape, feel, pattern
Therefore, based on my choices, I get catorgized under the 1st label: traits. I will be the first to admit I am terrible at classifying heritage. People I know or people I associate with get completely offended I say russian instead of polish or chinese instead of japanese. I was brought to judge a person based off how they act and portray themselves. If given that class "test" (where we put 4 ppl in each catagory) alone, I would have indefinitely failed. That was a huge issue when my brother got married because some people judged my brothers (now wife) based off her weight and let that affect their decision about her from then on. Subconsciously or not but it was really bad. My sister in law is a wonder sweet person and a great mom to my niece. I don't know how anyone can let a view an image ultimately affect how they get along with another but that is what I would call shallow. I will note I had a very bad experience growing up and due to what happen I shutter when caught off gaurd seeing a paticular male race. I won't name which because I don't like to view myself as racist. It's not something I mean to do and I certainly don't say anything or let it stop me from talking to or becoming friends with someone that would fall into the same catagory. Not to sound harsh by comparing humans and dogs but when my dad was little he was attacked by a dog and nearly lost his sight. He still shutters when getting caught off guard by a dog's presence. So I think it's the same thing. He doesn't mean to and he usually won't admit it, but he loves our dog Tiger.

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