Monday, May 31, 2010


I unfortunately missed most of the movie because I was in in school and then out of school suspension. But now that I know about it I downloaded it and can't wait to watch it after finals. I did catch onto the two white police officers stories though and saw them play out COMPLETELY shocked. I gasped when the guy who was so against racism ended up shooting Crash's brother. I didn't see it coming because he was so insanely adamant about not allowing color to get in the way but ultimately was internally scared and killed someone. On the other end of the spectrum the outward racist risked his life to the fullest extend to save a black woman (furthermore a black woman who he had previous history with). I unfortunately didn't get enough backround on the other stories (like the Indian man who was I guess very mad at a mexican electrician because he somehow did or didn't cause him his store) only involving black and white racism play out. I'm positive I've sterotyped people in my life but I just can't think of a specific instance right now. I have been sterotyped myself based off where I live and where I go to school that things are perfect for me when in reality yes, I'm better off money wise because of my dad than some people I know and certainly more fortunate than someone living on the streets. I remember my old best friend, after her parents divorced, became extremely bitter. I don't think she meant it or even knew she was doing it but she became somebody who judged me based off a finicial opinoin. I hated it because she really wasn't that below me she was just going through a huge life change so she always wanted to complain how easy I had it. At the same time, ironically enough, admitting it was so much better at home now that her parents weren't constantly arguing as mine (and other people's parents) still do. So judging and stereotyping is wrong and I'm well aware of that and I hope and think it was worse when we had slaves and people grew up thinking it was ok to spit at a person due to their color. I hopeit's better than that nowadays at least.

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