Wednesday, May 26, 2010


When I walked into class I was the 2nd person sitting at my table. I get to class pretty early since my class before it is just below. Anyways I grabbed the wheel barrow right away because I didn't want anyone taking it on me (I'm ALWAYS the wheelbarrow). I guess by that very first choice I made I learned 2 things. 1. That I should've been patient (because had I read the directions I would've seen the wheelbarrow wasn't involved at all. 2. I learned you could be the earliest worm (or the hardest working- as a more societal way to put it) and still get the "poor" end of the stick. That indeed is what happened to me. As everyone filed in they picked up a playing piece and when Sal started explaining the directions it was revealed to me that not only did I have to repick a piece but that I was the "working class". Anything can happen in America Sal said, but in the end I was on welfare. Not a chance in the world I could pick things back up unless a miracle struck. I think it showed me that even though i believe anything can happen in America, the working class will die working class because no one is really helping them. It would be VERY rare if that kind of a person could get someone to help them in such a way to jump to a higher social class. I have been what I consider middle class my whole life. I think when I was little I got very very class to lower class but things picked back up and at one point maybe my family was a little above the average middle class person. Of course there are extremes to the scale so it's really quite hard to figure out becuase would Jay Leno really consider himself middle class compared to a homeless person? I don't think so. Then again, depending how you look at it I could be upper class if you look at it from that prosective too. But then you have Bill Gates which tips the scale completely again because compared to him I would be lower class. So it all depends on your views and your scales. Who you are comparing and what your personal opinoin is.

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