Thursday, February 25, 2010


I've never been to another country but I think when I do go I will be in major cultural shock. The concept of eating differently or going to the bathroom differently after doing it one way my whole life would def. take some getting used to. After talking about culture this past week I've noticed my mom does what I believe we said German? mothers do by having the kitchen be their domain. When we were growing up I realized my mom always used to ask why I was in the kitchen (kind of hinting to get out). And when I was old enough to have friends over she would (and still) freaks out if we are hanging out in there. She doesn't want anyone touching her refrigerator, pantry, and stove. She tells us to go in the basement and hang out there. My dad uses his middle finger to point to things, I don't know why since in this country that's considered a bad thing but I guess he picked it up from his mom who didn't view it as a bad thing. Back to the different toliets though I think we should all incorporate a different type of toliet into our American culture, it sounds like a smarter idea. The toliet that has the sink on top and the water you use to flush is the water you cleaned your hands with, that's smart. I know in government I also just learned about different health insurance policies and some of the different countries had really interests plans on how to create a better society. I think all the countries should learn from each other everyone has good ideas.

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