Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bronx Tale

Groups: I think Collogero has 4 different groups in the end. In the beg of the movie he starts off in his family group (his mom and dad). Then as he gets a little older he has his main friends that he grows up with (his 2nd group). When C doesn't rat on Sonny he untimately creates his 3rd group (him and Sonny). I don't think C is apart of Sonny's crew because he never talks with them or hangs out with them separetly like he does with Sonny, he is just acquaintances with them. C's 4th group is kind of foreshadowed at the end of the movie (him and his new gf) but I think with the way he made up with his gf's brother at the end and tried to help him not get beat up before that he will soon be apart of her close friends and family too. I do think his groups changed throughout the movie because when he was 1st born he was in his family's group then more with his 2nd group and even though he still hangs out with them throughout the whole movie he preferrably hangs out with Sonny and his friends at the end of the movie when they are in the car about to go bomb the black neighborhood say where's Sonny is Sonny following you? Stuff like that because they know Sonny has a lot of control over how C acts. But when his friends and Sonny both die he gets to now pick between his gf's group or family group, we obviously don't see what choice he makes.

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