Sunday, January 24, 2010


I think when you first get into a new school there are no awkward silences unless you do something other kids aren't used to. I never went to a new school mid year but I do remember always wanting to know about the"new kid". I don't really know what makes them interesting I've had class with people since I was 6 and could care less about asking them what state they came from. But getting back to the point I think silence is only awkward if you make it awkward, or rather if you feel it's awkward. Nobody controls what you think and if for some reason you find it awkward then no matter what the person across from you or next to you thinks then it is. I can remember when I first got into highschool it was almost like preschool again because whoever anyone sat next to they would talk to them since they were nervous. I was more nice than usual that day because everyone seemed to be on edge. But once you get to know the person or get to talking to them if you find they are not your cup of tea it could get awkward since you're stuck sitting next to them the rest of class, that has happened to me a couple times. And I do believe some people talk due to nervous or they just enjoy the sound of their own voice but that hasn't ever really affected my ability to listen. The only time I don't listen is if I'm angry or tired. Bottom line silence is awakward based on opinion.

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