Sunday, April 18, 2010

Could you live without money?

Before readding the article my original thought was you'd have to be a certain person to live without money. After reading the article I am less convinced that is true. I at first thought it would take a certain amount of skill or "smarts" to do so but now I think it has more to do with if it's the lifestyle you want or not. I think anyone could die in an accident (any type of accident having nothing to do with how smart you are) so saying that I think it depends on your open mindedness. Daniel says in the article money is not present. I think that quote right there got me. I agree with him it's not. I think growing up so plentifully as we did (our generation, our previous generation, etc.) it would be uncomfortable for us to not take a shower in a tub but rain has the same affect of washing your body, does it not? The man writing the article, Chris, visits where Daniel lives and comments how it smells. Deodorant, perfumes, colognes, soaps they were all created by man and cost money to get. If nobody smelled like that nobody would notice. Our bodies don't need to be enhanced in any way but I will comment on that specific topic a couple of blogs from now.